Channel Islands Spine-Tek Option






 Channel Islands Spine-Tek

Spine-Tek technology is available on all CI models. These are custom orders with approximately 10 week delivery.

PLEASE NOTE: This is not a Surfboard! The Spine-Tek option $150.00 is added to the basic CI board cost.

To order or inquiry about Spine-Tek orders or availability, please call the Shop or e-mail

Engineered by the crew at Shapers Australia, their exclusive SPINE-TEK partnership allows Channel Islands to build boards that are livelier and more responsive. Like a spring, they load up on energy, provide pop, accelerate out of turns whilst holding speed down the line, and the “spine” keeps its flex pattern unlike timber which looses it over time.

There are three size Spine-Tek’s available: Small 27.4L & under, Medium 27.5-36.5L & Large 36.6L & over.




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