Custom Surfboards-Shortboards



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Custom Surfboards-Shortboards

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Custom Shortboard

Interested in a custom board? You’ve come to the right place. We’ve have been building custom shapes for customers for 50 years. Any shape, design, color…….. no problem! Custom boards are available from Channel Islands, Ricky Carroll Surfboards, Erie Surfboards, or Jon Ashton . Just follow the simple steps below:


Custom Starting Prices:

  • Channel Islands $795.00
  • Ricky Carroll $740.00
  • Erie  Peeples $695.00
  • John Ashton $695.00

All starting prices are for a clear tri-fin up to 6’4″ with a sanded finish.

1) Designing your Surfboard – Give the Shop a call at 732-681-6405 or e-mail and ask for Don. If you’re not sure  what you want? We are happy to speak to you and hopefully together we can figure out the size, design, and shape you’re looking for.

2) Submitting your Order – When we’ve got the perfect design figured out, we will e-mail you a custom order form. After you’ve filled it out correctly, just return it to us. We will follow up with a quote for your perfect board. If everything is good, we will ask you for a 50% deposit and get your board started right away!

3) Building your Custom Surfboard Shortboard. This is the hard part…… waiting for your board to be built. Each company is different, but a rough guideline is: Channel Islands 6-8 weeks. Ricky Carroll or Brian Wynn and Rozbern approximately 6-8 weeks. We will keep you updated by e-mail all along the process.

4) As soon as your Board is ready, we will contact you to set up the correct shipping information and collect the final balance. That’s all there is to it!

Order Custom Surfboards-Shortboards before Summer is here!


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